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What makes a meal unforgettable? The lightness and balanced taste, good mood, beautiful ambience and most of all the people who enjoy and forget about time. 
This is the true essence of "Flavourhouse - Culinary Pleasure Projects". Since 2002 we have been creating events, weddings, anniversaries and wonderful unique celebrations - we cook for 2 to 200 guests.
Our base is an enchanting island in the turquoise blue sea, around the house grow hibiscus bushes, oranges and figs, in the gardenbeds  wild rosmarin, sage and lavender - Mallorca
But we are also on the road with our team worldwide - from Stockholm to New York. Swimming with the waves, using the energy of the wind, that is the secret of island life. Our way of working benefits from this - natural, authentic, open, curious and in a good spirit. According to the slogan: "You should take things as they come. But you should also make sure that things take the way you want them to.

WHERE WE GO  -  "Enjoy life"



And this is why we decided to complement our passion for cooking and creating festivities with our new brand "Enjoy Life by Flavourhouse", because a harmonious ambience is part of every beautiful celebration or meal. Get out of your everyday life and treat yourself to a time of festive togetherness with good friends, family, dearest ones or very special business partners. Culinary delicacies and stimulating communication are the most important things. But what else belongs to it? Fine table linen, exceptional porcelain, matching furnishings, floral decorations, small details and atmospheric lighting.

Feel, hear, taste, smell - perceive the world with all the senses and celebrate life.

To make this possible at home, we want to share our many years of knowledge and our best contacts. Under our label "Enjoy life by Flavourhouse" you will find all the linen products that have lived up to our expectations and standards over decades and which we know will make any celebration a sensual experience with a lot of joy. Our goal is to make you feel completely comfortable and enjoy the moment.